
How would it be to consider that
Maybe our many relationships
Are actually containers for conversations?
Spoken and unspoken.

Wordlessly being there for someone else
Holding the space for each other
as life invites more learning
or another direction in which to grow.

Noticing when a relationship
Feels like it is poking our tender places.
Or that it feels like you’d be risking everything
To speak to/from this tender place.

Our willingness to engage in
vulnerable conversations can often test
The edges of our relationships.

Some relationship containers appear
to have unlimited capacity to extend these boundaries.

Yet this unlimited potential exists within all relationships,
Be they with work, family, friends or lovers.

Beneath all the habits, traits and beliefs
We have about ourselves and others
We all have the inbuilt capacity to
turn up and engage in vulnerable conversations.

Play with practising conversing this way
Saying your piece and not knowing
How it will be responded to
As can listening to another
Not knowing how it may be received.

Notice the deflecting throw away lines
And the myriad of distractions that seem pressing
And practise taking the time to have that conversation.

Be curious about whether having that conversation
May in fact nourish our relationship,
Both with ourselves
and with the other.

