Everyone has an incredibly intelligent operating system that functions day in day out navigating all the different ‘curve balls’ that life delivers.


Every cell in our body is in constant communication with the other cells within our bodies as well as interacting with the environment around us. Our cells are constantly adapting, changing, renewing, discarding the old (dying) and welcoming in the new (birth).


Forever dipping into the deep well spring of knowledge that is quietly built into us all.


This invisible communication is largely overlooked and taken for granted, often until something appears to go wrong, or our system seems to malfunction and present us with symptoms, or there’s a big developmental change like puberty.

When we realise that this deep well spring is already within us and available to all 24/7, turning up to and playing this game of life takes on a whole new appearance.

We are a collective of people, committed to engaging in, and facilitating creative conversations, to support the rediscovery of this well spring that lies within each and every one of us.


And the good news….There is NOTHING to learn.

We explore ‘not knowing’ through dialogue, playing with words and images to express our ‘not knowing’ all the while listening to each other and hearing each other. This builds everyone’s confidence to explore! 

We notice when we get uncomfortable in this space and quietly remember we can accept the invitation to ‘not know’ where a conversation is going. To recognise this is a gift, for example noticing we feel like we can’t see the point, they don’t ‘get’ us, they’re wrong, I am right or vice versa.

We realise we are always free to drop our preconceived ideas; the barriers and walls that we’ve previously constructed and curiously explore different ideas, someone else’s perspective or another’s point of view.