Everyone has an incredibly intelligent operating system that functions day in day out navigating all the different curve balls that life delivers.
We chose a stylised image of a tree for our logo.
Trees grow within the constraints of the conditions in which they find themselves.
They naturally make the best of their situation in order to thrive, working in cooperation with their environment e.g. sunlight, water, wind, nutrients in the soil and competition from other plants.
Young kids (like us) are also rooted in the earth, but as with trees in a nursery, they/we can feel contained in pots. Some happily, while others seem to continually outgrow their pot. Others land in the forest/bush and grow unconstrained from the get-go.
Equally, we all bring to each moment our lived experience to date. We don’t know what the next moment will bring or how we will need to turn up, but turn up we do….and the more we turn up without attachment to outcomes, the freer we are to experience all that life offers.
The trustees are very grateful to Jack Matheson for his awesome design work in creating our logos, brand image and for building this beautiful site for us.
Our dandelion images.
The dandelion’s simplicity fits beautifully with our message, which is essentially very simple, but can appear complex when heard through the many filters we humans have.
The dandelion flower essence's signature is about connection and grounding. The seeds take root almost anywhere given sun and rain. The deep tap root anchors the plant to the earth where it happily flourishes producing rich green foliage and bright yellow flowers. The roots and leaves are used medicinally and are deeply nourishing.
The seed heads are light and fun, and children love to pick them and watch the seeds float through the air. Freedom. Thriving wherever you land.
These stunning photographs were taken by Adibah instagram@adibah_saad Adibah also co-facilitates the Love in Action conversations with Therese.
These beautiful paintings are the creations of Kitty MacIntyre-Hyatt, who has a BFA from Elam, UoA. They explore her felt understanding of ‘being me’ referencing i/I symbols, nature and the idea of being intrinsically all good.